Product: 10-10-010
ISBN: 9789607070081
Author: Metropolitan Hierotheos of Nafpaktos

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Orthodox and Western Ways of Life

Eastern Themes, volume 2

This second volume of Eastern Themes entitled Orthodox and Western Ways of Life sets out the difference between Orthodox and Western lifestyles.

When we refer to East and West we are not simply speaking about two geographical regions, but a particular approach to life and a specific attitude towards all the issues of current concern to mankind.

‘Orthodox and Western Tradition in Our Lives’ stresses the basic differences which exist between the two traditions. There is an analysis of how the Greeks ought to behave in Europe, within the context of their Orthodox tradition, because there are many Europeans today who are seeking the spiritual foundation of the Byzantine-Roman heritage and we ought to communicate the Orthodox spirit and way of life to them, to set them thinking and change them. The therapeutic method possessed by the Orthodox Church is unique, and is the best means for us to help Western Europeans, but first it is essential for us to know and live our own Orthodox tradition.  Unfortunately it is clear that many modern Greeks have become westernised and have abandoned the tradition of their native land.

The central points of the Lord’s Prayer and the deep spiritual meanings it conceals are analysed in the chapter ‘The Lord’s Prayer’, according to the commentary of St Maximos the Confessor.   The extent to which someone saying the prayer grasps the spiritual meaning depends on the level of his spiritual life.

‘The Struggle against Evil Spirits’ is an account of the devil and his work according to the teaching of St John of Damascus.  To avoid the devil’s deception and wiles we must be steadfast in following the therapeutic method of the Church, which is noetic hesychia.  When we become temples of the Holy Spirit and possess the grace of God, we shall make war on the devil and he will have no power at all over us.  The section on ‘Knowledge of God and Self-Awareness According to the Teaching of the Devil’ explains that purification of the heart and illumination of the nous are preconditions for knowing God, because otherwise the knowledge of God is demonic not real.  Through reading about true and satanic self-awareness we perceive that it is a demonic deception to attempt to analyse and know oneself through self-awareness.

‘Confession and Psychotherapy’ examines the differences between Orthodox psychotherapy and humanistic psychotherapies, and how man’s soul is healed through confession and repentance.  There is an explanation of what sin is, what ‘the forgiveness of sins’ signifies, what repentance means, and how spiritual fathers cure people. Confession to God through prayer is no substitute for confessing our sins to our spiritual father. 

A thought-provoking paper on ‘The Relationship between Parents and Children’ spells out the prerequisites for a good Orthodox upbringing.

Orthodox and Western Ways of Life refers repeatedly to the holy Fathers of the Church, particularly St Gregory Palamas, who expresses the neptic tradition of the Church in all its fullness.

15x22x2 cm
635 gr



Since 1982 the nuns of the Birth of the Theotokos Monastery have been publishing the books of Metropolitan Hierotheos, the founder and spiritual father of the community, and distributing them throughout the world.


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