Product: 10-60-002
ISBN: 9789607070852
Author: Metropolitan Hierotheos of Nafpaktos
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Fr John Romanides - his Work and Teachings

Proceedings of the one-day Conference and Theological-Historical Studies

Ten years after the death of Fr John Romanides, the Metropolis of Nafpaktos and St Vlassios organised a one-day academic conference in 2011 on the work and teaching of the ever-memorable priest and theologian. The papers presented at that conference are published in this book, together with an introduction and further historical and theological studies.

Theologians who spoke at the conference and their papers were as follows:

Protopresbyter George Metallinos, Emeritus Professor of the Theological School of Athens: ‘Fr John Romanides, a sign of contradiction’.

Despo Lialiou, Vice-Rector of the Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki and professor of the Theological School: ‘Theological presuppositions for interpreting the work of Fr John Romanides’.

Anthony Papadopoulos, Emeritus Professor of the Theological School of Thessaloniki: ‘Recollections of my contact with Fr John Romanides at the Theological School of Thessaloniki’.

Stavros Yiangazoglou, consultant of the Educational Institute: ‘The significance of Fr John Romanides’ work on the ancestral sin for the Church and theology’.

Professor Lambros Siasos of the Theological School of Thessaloniki: ‘Fireproof views of Romanides and academic inflammations’.

Protopresbyter George Dragas, professor of the Holy Cross School of Theology: ‘Patristic theology as the basis of contemporary Orthodox hermeneutics’.

All the papers shed light on the extensive work of Fr John.

Studies included in the second part of the book are:

‘Empirical theology according to the teaching of Fr John Romanides’ and ‘Romanity and Hesychasm’ by Metropolitan Hierotheos.

‘The entirety of Orthodox theology and contemporary Trinitarian expressions according to Fr John Romanides’ by Basil Tsingos, Associate Professor of Dogmatics of the Orthodox Church at the Theological School of Thessaloniki.

‘John Romanides and Western medieval theology’ by George D Panagopoulos, Assistant Professor of the Higher Ecclesiastical Academy of Vellas, Ioannina.

‘Fr John Romanides as a historian’ by Anastasios Filippides, BA (Yale University, USA), MA (Georgetown University, USA).

Metropolitan Hierotheos of Nafpaktos has studied Fr John Romanides’ theology in depth and believes that, as time passes, Fr John will prove to be the outstanding theologian of the twentieth century and beyond.

17x25x2.3 cm
775 gr



Since 1982 the nuns of the Birth of the Theotokos Monastery have been publishing the books of Metropolitan Hierotheos, the founder and spiritual father of the community, and distributing them throughout the world.


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